Sysco Acquires Two Foreign-Owned Companies

Sysco Corp. will acquire a division of a Canadian company and has finalized the acquisition of a unit of an Ireland-based company.

Mexican Foodservice Operators Choose Convenience, Savings Of US Mashed Potatoes

October 25, 2012 United States Potato Board

The United States Potato Board (USPB) presented US instant mashed potato products to Mexican bakery and foodservice trade at the EXPHOTEL Cancún Mexipan and Abastur tradeshows.

High Liner Foods Launches South Paws Hush Puppy Coated Seafood

High Liner Foods (USA), Inc., the leading seafood company in North America, today announced that it has launched South Paws™ Hush Puppy Coated Seafood, a new product line for its Icelandic® foodservice brand that offers operators great-tasting seafood featuring traditional, Southern-style hush puppy coating.

White Barley: The Menu Power Of ‘Wow’ From Indian Harvest Boutique

October 25, 2012 Indian Harvest

Among ancient whole grains, barley is a biggie. According to the Boston-based Whole Grains Council (, one of the earliest-known sites where barley was grown was on the southwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee in what is now Israel, in settlements dating back 23,000 years. Today, barley in all its forms constitutes the world’s fourth most-popular grain.Even though barley never went away, its healthful profile amid growing awareness of the importance of consuming whole grains—coupled with barley’s ability to carry flavors well—“brings it back” to menus ranging from fast casual to fine dining.

Cerberus Working On Bid For Supervalu: Sources

Cerberus Capital Management is working on a takeover bid for troubled supermarket operator Supervalu Inc (SVU.N) and has held talks with lenders to line up financing, according to three sources familiar with the matter.