Chocolate Milk The New Work-Out Drink?

ROCKFORD – "If I drank milk after a workout I'd probably throw up," says Rockford Mayor Larry Morrissey.

Rockford Schools' Superintendent Dr. LaVonne Sheffield says, "First, I don't like chocolate milk, and there's nothing better than a great glass of water after exercising."

But Winnebago County State's Attorney Joe Bruscato disagrees, "The only milk I like is chocolate milk so I would love that to be true."

Whether you love the chocolaty goodness or absolutely despise it, studies show it does a body good. Researchers at the American College of Sports Medicine had eight male runners drink 16 ounces of fat free chocolate milk after their workout and results showed the drink helped repair their muscles. But we had to see for ourselves.

"When I got the research papers, I saw there was probably something to it, so i said well, I'm going to have to do it," says Peak Fitness Personal Trainer Arthur Cardenas.

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