Skyr: The Icelandic Soul In A Cup

I was standing on the path that wrapped around Reykjavíkurtjörnin, the small lake in the center of Reykjavík, Iceland. With me were five other tourists participating in the Reykjavík Food Walk, a four-hour culinary tour through this small city that is surprisingly full of big flavor.

Our guide, the enthusiastic, fresh-faced Daniel, gathered us around as he opened his backpack. We had already sampled a couple of dishes—the ubiquitous Icelandic lamb stew, a variety of soft cheeses and cured meats, and, the biggest hit of the day so far, rye bread ice cream. With my stomach feeling slightly full already, I wondered what could be next.

“Perhaps the most Icelandic food you’ll try today is this,” Daniel said as he passed out small while tubs. “Skyr!”

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Paste