Big Deli Meat Pouch Packs

In the early 1990s, Land O’Frost, Inc., Lansing, IL, and Searcy, AR, was a pioneer in the implementation of flexible, resealable packaging for deli meats.

The company continues that tradition with the addition of DoubleZip press-to-close packaging from Zip-Pak for larger portions of its Premium, Deli Shaved, Canadian Bacon, Bistro Favorites, and Sub Sandwich Kit products.

The new DoubleZip packaging was introduced to Land O’Frost customers nationwide in August 2009. Stephen Williams, vp of marketing for Land O’Frost, comments, “We already had tremendous success with our product lines that incorporate resealable pouch packaging from Zip-Pak. The DoubleZip packaging for larger meat portions, particularly our one-pound Premium line, was an ideal way to decrease the carbon footprint of our packaging versus rigid packaging options.”

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Packaging World.