“Made Green in Italy” the Wonderful Flavor of the Environment

The environmental footprint of Grana Padano, Pecorino Romano and Provolone Valpadana in a project to improve the sustainable growth of businesses and production.

Combining quality and sustainability to promote competitiveness on national and international markets. With this objective, the Consortia for the Protection of Grana Padano Provolone Valpadana have obtained a positive outcome to the announcement published by the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea in the framework of the “Made Green Italy” scheme, supported by the Consortium of Pecorino Romano involved. through European funding in the Magis project.

Made Green in Italy is the national scheme for assessing and communicating the environmental footprint of products; it is based on the PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) methodology, developed by the European Commission to promote sustainable production and consumption models. 

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Consorzio per la tutela de Pecorino Romano