New York & Wisconsin Cheddars Vie To See Who's The Big Cheese

The Green Bay Packers’ most rabid fans, known as cheeseheads, take it as an article of faith that their state makes the best cheddar. But is it really any match for the New York version?

As the New York Giants prepare to face the Packers in the playoffs Sunday, The Daily News staged a showdown between the two states’ cheddars in a blind taste test in Times Square Tuesday.

“New York’s better at everything,” declared Gina Guglielmo, 18, a college student from Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn.

She was confident she would prefer the New York cheddar. But like many tasters, she was a bit overwhelmed by the New York cheddar’s notorious sharp bite.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: New York Daily News