AIFD & FFA Join Forces: Provides Inspiration For Students At 2010 FFA Convention

Over 50,000 blue jackets created quite the scene recently at the annual National FFA Convention. As a major component of its Career Development initiative, the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) is exploring options for partnering with FFA to encourage greater participation in its floral design programs.

The Career Development Committee participated with last year's convention on Thursday, Oct. 21. The two-hour session was attended by instructors and students who were in Indianapolis to be part of the National competition in floriculture for FFA. Tom Simmons AIFD organized an on-stage demonstration entitled, "FUN-damental Florals: Lifestyle Designs," which was presented by designers Carolyn Clark Kurek AIFD, Alan Thompson AIFD and moderated by Alice Waterous AIFD. Also in attendance were Cindy Ching AIFD, AIFD Regional Director Jim Rauch and AIFD President Sharon McGukin.

"The kids were great, the event well organized, the leaders very positive, the attendance incredible, and the potential there for AIFD involvement–obvious," said Simmons. "I can honestly say that I have never seen that many young people at one time being so well behaved. It was truly a sight to behold."

To read the rest of the story, please go to: American Institute of Floral Designers