American Horticultural Society and KidsGardening Announce Youth Gardening Event Held on New Platform

The American Horticultural Society and KidsGardening are partnering for the National Children & Youth Garden Symposium, July 7th– 9th.

This virtual event brings together people who work to engage children with gardens. Best part, it will be hosted on the NEW Kids Garden Community, which means easier access for all. Don’t miss:

·         30+ peer-led educational sessions

·         Sessions and discussions that will be recorded and available for a year

·         Live Q&As

·         NEW discussion forums with presenters and other attendees before, during, and after the event!

For more information or to register for the event, check out the website.

If you know someone looking to host a virtual event this year AND engage with educators, the KidsGardening Community may be the perfect place!