Buy Mother’s Day Flowers, Receive 100 Free YoCash In Facebook’s YoVille From

If you thought that Zynga’s YoVille might be one of the few games to NOT contain a Mother’s Day cross-promotion with Pro Flowers, think again, as the developer announced the promotion on the game’s fan page this morning.

For all interested YoVille users, purchasing flowers from, using the link provided on the YoVille game page, will earn you 100 free YoCash. As is expected, only valid orders will allow you to earn YoCash, so anyone looking to take advantage of the system should think again.

With so many options for free premium currency this Mother’s Day, it can be understandably difficult to decide which offer, if any, to actually take advantage of. Let us know in the comments – which promotion (thus far) would you say is the best, and why? Have you taken advantage of any of these offers, or do you plan to before Mother’s Day on May 9?

Source: Frisky Mongoose