Carp Acres: A Canadian Pesticide Free Flower Production Facility

What was once the domain of harsh chemicals and dangerous pesticides is now home to healthy aromas and beautiful bouquets of colourful flowers.

The former Carleton Growers greenhouse business in Carp, Ontario is being transformed into Carp Acres, Canada's first pesticide free flower production facility, thanks to efforts of the Carp Ridge Learning Centre.

Expanding on their wholesome approach to learning and life in general, the volunteer group bought the business in early 2011 with plans to create a completely natural growing environment that will one day produce organic food as well as superb flowers.

"Our goal is to constantly find new ways to improve health and wellbeing in our community," says Board Chairman Ralph Shaw. "We felt the flower business was an ideal opportunity to meet our long-term objective of producing organic, pesticide free food." In the initial stages, a new team of dedicated horticulturalists and experienced farmers is combined with an enthusiastic group of young student employees to transform the business into being all natural.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: West Carleton EMC