International Flower Bulb Centre Calling It Quits

The management board of the International Flower Bulb Centre (IFBC) has announced that the promotional organization will halt its activities and cease to exist as of the beginning of next year.

A spokesperson for the IFBC foundation, which has been a long-time key organization promoting Dutch bulbs and bulb flowers in the European region and abroad, indicates that the decision has to do with financial uncertainty. The bulb center relies on funding from the Horticulture Product Board for its activities, while the new levy system which has recently been introduced to the sector limits the role of the Product Board when it comes to such promotional work.

Specifically, in light of the decision by Anthos (the Royal Trade Association for Tree Nursery and Bulb Products) to no longer have the sector’s collective levies be collected and disseminated through the Horticulture Product Board, the continued existence of the IFBC cannot be guaranteed by Anthos and the KAVB – the Royal General Bulb Growers' Association.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Vakblad voor de Bloemisterij