Oprins Introduces Color-Changing Panicle Hydrangea

Colour blocking is the new trend in the fashion world, and Flemish tree nurseries have been quick to catch on. Colours are ‘in’ again and help us to enjoy the seasons to the full in our gardens. Oprins is introducing a panicle hydrangea whose colours undergo a surprising transformation from white to pink to deep red, and a Hydrangea in a combination of pink, blue, chocolate brown and Bordeaux red.

Wim’s Red® magically turns from white to red

Hydrangea paniculata ‘Wim’s Red’® is a striking addition to the flowering hydrangea range, and is being brought onto the market by Oprins. This hydrangea has a well-developed shrub shape, with strong, vertical branches. The Hydrangea paniculata ‘Wim’s Red’® has a three-stage flowering pattern and starts exceptionally early. The first blooms appear in late May/early June, with cone-shaped pure white flowers that later shift to light pink. In September, the bouquets change to a deep red. Exposure to full sunlight is necessary to achieve the most intense colour change.

The Hydrangea paniculata ‘Wim’s Red’® is also highly decorative in spring: the young wood is Bordeaux red in colour and contrasts well with the dark-green leaves.

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