Rose Society Of South Australia's Rose Of The Month: 'Imp'

Imp is a Floribunda Rose bred by an Australian,  George Dawson, and introduced in 1971. At that time, its showy rich red flowers with a silver reverse attracted immediate attention. These eye-catching flowers, produced in small clusters or singly, create a great display in the garden.  Imp's abundant flowers, hardiness and disease resistance have helped this rose to maintain its popularity for four decades.

The plant is a compact 1m high by 1m wide and yields a steady and consistent crop of flowers throughout the growing season after dead heads are removed. It thrives in our hot dry climate. The colourful blooms last well when picked and make an attractive display in floral arrangements.

There are not many significant and popular Australian bred Floribunda Roses and Imp justifiably deserves a place in our gardens.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Rose Society Of South Australia