Teleflora Florists Band Together To Bring Flowers & Smiles To Local Residents

LOS ANGELES – Teleflora, the world's leading flower delivery service, offering only hand-arranged, hand-delivered floral arrangements, announced today its plans for Make Someone Smile® Week, the floral industry’s leading benevolent program running from Sunday, July 21 through Saturday, July 27. Teleflora member florists and community volunteers will be out in their neighborhoods in droves delivering Be Happy® Bouquets to those in need of smiles – such as hospital patients, senior citizens living in nursing homes and assisted living homes, and recipients of Meals-on-Wheels programs. 

Teleflora's 40 units across the country will receive donations of more than 30,000 of the company's widely popular Be Happy® Mugs to be given to participating member florists.  Member florists across the country will work with local wholesalers and growers to secure donated flowers. These donated flowers will help local Teleflora florists design the joyful Be Happy® Bouquets, full of beautiful white daisies and yellow roses and deliver them to residents of their choosing in their local neighborhoods.  

"Make Someone Smile® Week is not only one of my favorite programs of the year, but it continues to be popular amongst our florists. We are inspired by the amount of time and dedication our local unit boards, florists and volunteers put into this program, which ultimately takes them away from daily duties at their floral shops," said Rich Salvaggio, vice president of Industry Relations and Floral Publications, Teleflora. " "The stories I hear following the deliveries from participants reinforces why this program is so well liked."

As florists around the country are making deliveries during Make Someone Smile Week, consumers can order a smile for that special someone in their lives by visiting and purchasing a Be Happy Bouquet for $39.95.

Last year's program spanned over 200 cities and 350 facilities throughout the United States and Canada; and more than 1,000 florists donated their time.  Teleflora's program delivered more than 25,000 bouquets to those most in need of a smile.  For more information on Teleflora's Make Someone Smile Week, or how you can get involved, call 310.966.8328.

About Teleflora
Teleflora is the world's leading flower delivery service connecting customers with the nation's best local florists for more than 75 years. All of Teleflora's flower arrangements are artistically arranged and hand-delivered in keepsake vases using only the freshest flowers available through its member florist network. Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, Teleflora has over 15,000 member florists throughout the U.S. and Canada, with an additional 20,000 affiliated florists outside North America. Through its extensive member florist network, Web sites including and, and its toll-free line 1-800-TELEFLORA, the company offers consumers fast, convenient and high-quality flowers and keepsake products.

Source: Teleflora