Chicken-Wing Shortage Rumor Just Won't Fly

The sky is not falling. There is not an impending chicken wing shortage, the National Chicken Council said, and most wing-eating football fans will not have to worry about having enough for Super Bowl Sunday.

"The good news for consumers is that restaurants plan well in advance to ensure they have plenty of wings for the big game," Bill Roenigk, chief economist and market analyst at the Washington-based chicken group, said in the 2013 "Wing Report" released by the chicken council this week.

Scattered news reports have conveyed the exact opposite message. Perhaps because it makes for a better headline. The feather-ruffling in some news accounts of the supposed wing shortage recalls last year's uproar about a worldwide bacon shortage, which arose from a similar news release issued by Britain's National Pig Association. (Remember the headlines: "Aporkalypse now"; "The unavoidable world bacon shortage").

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Chicago Tribune