Comment Period On Draft Guidance For HACCP System Validation Extended

FSIS has confirmed that the agency will extend the comment period on its
Draft Guidance: HACCP System Validation until June 19, 2010, to allow adequate
time for distribution and comment by interested parties. The draft guidance to
aid small and very small plants in meeting HACCP validation requirements was
provided for public comment in a March 19, 2010, letter to AMI and other
industry trade associations. After the initial comment period, FSIS is expected
to publish a revised guidance document in the Federal Register that will provide
an additional opportunity for public comment.

The guidance document has raised concern regarding potential additional
requirements imposed on plants. “AMI is pleased that the agency has given the
industry an opportunity to express its concerns during the development of its
validation guidance. AMI looks forward to working with the agency to develop a
workable document that provides clarity for both the industry and FSIS
personnel. It is important that all parties have a clear understanding of the
regulatory requirements and how they should be implemented,” said AMI Executive
Vice President James Hodges.

The March 19 letter signed by FSIS Administrator Almanza responds to an
earlier September 22, 2009 letter sent by meat and poultry trade associations
that contained suggestions for clarifying existing validation requirements. The
draft guidance and associated information can be found at

The American Meat Institute