Johnsonville Hosting First Ever 'Bratsgiving Day'

SHEBOYGAN, Wis. — Johnsonville is bringing the holiday spirit to National Bratwurst Day by hosting the first ever "Bratsgiving Day," to give the due recognition to this special sausage holiday on Saturday, August 16. Tired of the same traditions? Bratsgiving Day takes the best parts of your favorite holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and Halloween and spices them up with delicious bratwursts straight from Sheboygan. To help celebrate, Johnsonville created the below video to inspire fans to develop their own Bratsgiving Day traditions:

To count down the "Twelve Days of Bratsgiving," visit the Johnsonville Facebook page for the chance to receive one-of-a-kind holiday items such as a decorative brat wreath and Bratsgiving Day apparel, share photos of your family's celebration, a chance to make your own BRATSletoe and the opportunity to showcase your family's Bratsgiving Day traditions.

"Bratsgiving Day is finally giving Americans what they want most – a day to celebrate everything about their favorite style of sausage," said Ron Schroder, a Johnsonville brand manager. "The holidays are great, but who wants to wait for the fall and winter to celebrate when we've got great grilling weather right now!"

Although Bratsgiving Day will bring joy to every boy and girl, the first celebration may be clouded in uncertainty as the European Union contemplates new terms in a trade agreement with the U.S., where only brats and other types of meats, cheeses and beer originally made in Europe can be called by their original name – meaning Americans may no longer be able to technically call a brat, a "brat."  

For more information on Bratsgiving Day and updates on Johnsonville's comments regarding the European Union trade agreement, please visit or

About Johnsonville Sausage, LLC
Wisconsin-based Johnsonville Sausage is the No. 1 national brand of brats, Italian sausage, smoked-cooked links, fresh breakfast sausage and meatballs. Johnsonville employs approximately 1,400 members. Each member takes ownership of product quality to ensure the excellence and "Big Flavor" of Johnsonville Sausage. Founded in 1945 by the late Ralph F. and Alice Stayer, the company remains privately owned today. For additional Johnsonville company information, the latest recipes, contests and the Big Taste Grill tour schedule, visit

Source: Johnsonville Sausage, LLC