NorCal Dairy Tour Provides Beef and Dairy Nutrition and Sustainability Insights

If you think school lunch begins in the cafeteria, you’d be mistaken. It starts back at its nutritional roots…on the farm. Recently, the California Beef Council (CBC), in partnership with the Dairy Council of California, took 55 future healthcare professionals, students, educators, and school nutrition professionals to DeSnayer Dairy in Lodi, California to learn about and see firsthand the critical role dairy farms play in sustainable agriculture and supporting school nutrition programs.

“We chose DeSnayer Dairy Farm for this tour because they operate sustainably, with practices that optimize resource use and reduce environmental impact,” said Kori Dover, the CBC’s Director of Food & Nutrition Outreach. “Attendees were able to engage with firsthand experiences and demonstrations that showcased the interconnectedness of food production, consumption, and sustainability.”

Participants gained insights into the lifecycle of dairy production from feed management to milking, and learned how the dairy industry contributes to the beef supply chain. Most importantly, the group gained a deeper understanding of how these two agricultural sectors-beef and dairy-contribute to providing nutritious food options for school programs and consumers.

“Tours like this help foster an open dialogue about production practices,” Dover said. “They go a long way toward dispelling myths, clarifying common misconceptions, and building trust. Our goal with events like these is to develop and nurture strong connections between agricultural sectors and educational entities.”

So, how are these two agricultural sectors connected? Beef and dairy-both top agricultural commodities in California-are nutrient-dense foods that provide high-quality protein and other essential nutrients necessary at all stages of life. In addition, dairy cattle are a significant part of the U.S. beef supply, contributing between 18% and 24% to the total U.S. beef supply since 2002. This contribution equates to a larger amount of choice and prime cuts for consumers.

“Open dialogue about dairy and beef cattle farming and production practices goes a long way toward building trust between our beef and dairy producers, and educational stakeholders,” Dover said. “It’s an important partnership with significant benefits for all concerned.”

For more information about food and nutrition outreach programs, contact Kori Dover at For more information on the CBC, visit

About the California Beef Council

The California Beef Council (CBC) was established in 1954 to serve as the promotion, research, and education arm of the California beef industry, and is mandated by the California Food and Agricultural Code. The CBC’s mission is to amplify the voice of the California beef industry to strengthen beef demand through innovative promotions, research, and open communication. For more information, visit

About the Beef Checkoff

The Beef Checkoff Program was established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. The checkoff assesses $1 per head on the sale of live domestic and imported cattle, in addition to a comparable assessment on imported beef and beef products. States may retain up to 50 cents on the dollar and forward the other 50 cents per head to the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board, which administers the national checkoff program, subject to USDA approval.

About the Dairy Council of California

Dairy Council of California is a nutrition organization overseen by the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Funded by California’s dairy farm families and milk processors, we are the dairy community’s philanthropic contribution to community health, positively impacting countless lives advancing milk and dairy’s unique and essential contributions to healthy, sustainable eating patterns.

Dairy Council of California also works to secure grant funding for community nutrition projects. We value collaboration and partner with organizations with shared values to extend our collective impact through collaboration and co-creation. For more information, visit