Pork Checkoff Steps Up Its Hispanic Marketing Efforts

The growing influence of the Hispanic culture in the United States has prompted the Pork Checkoff to enhance its Hispanic marketing efforts by aligning with the Pork® Be inspired® brand campaign.

"Hispanic consumers make up 16.7 percent of the U.S. population, with the percentage continuing to grow," said Traci Rodemeyer, director of pork information for the Pork Checkoff. "Hispanic consumers love pork, and we want to continue to educate and inspire this huge segment of the population about pork's possibilities."

This summer, the Checkoff teamed with 100 Walmart stores in Texas, from Corpus Christi to Houston and beyond, to encourage home cooks to put pork on their grills. Each weekend June through August, bilingual brand ambassadors hosted a party in the parking lot at each store.

The brand ambassadors fired up grills and handed out pork chop samples and recipe brochures featuring Pork with Rice and other pork dishes. They also visited with consumers who stopped by Walmart's meatcases.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: National Pork Board's Pork Leader