Anthony Sattler Of C&S Completes Thought-Leader Panel At New York Produce Show & Conference Keynote Breakfast

Each year, we announce the participants in the Perishable Pundit’s “Thought Leader” Panel at The New York Produce Show and Conference, and we thank these participants because their willingness to share their expertise and insights with the trade is an act of personal generosity. The willingness of each participant’s company to support these executives in this outreach also is commendable.

This year, we announced our “Thought Leader” panel in this piece:

Industry Leaders To Share Knowledge And Ideas At New York Produce Show Thought-Leadership Panel Keynote Breakfast

It has been, however, our practice to always hold off on announcing the final member of the panel until just before the show. Call it one for good luck or, as the final panel member is always from a company that has not been on the panel before, we save a special surprise for last.

Sometimes these panel members are from far away, as when announced Johan Van Deventer from Shoprite/Checkers in South Africa.

This year our superstar is from closer afield. On behalf of the Eastern Produce Council and PRODUCE BUSINESS magazine, it is our privilege and pleasure to announce the completion of the 2014 “Thought Leader” Panel with the addition of Anthony Sattler, Vice President of Produce Procurement for C&S Wholesale Grocers, headquarted in Keene, New Hampshire.

Anthony been in the produce industry for 18 years, first starting with C&S in 1997, where he has held various areas of produce responsibility, ranging from Procurement, Special Projects, Category Management and others.  Anthony holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Becker College in Worcester, Massachusetts, and an MBA from Nichols College in Dudley, Massachusetts.

Anyone who wants to know what opportunity America holds should look at C&S, a grocery distributor founded by Israel Cohen and Abraham Siegel. It is now widely recognized for breaking the mold of food distribution in America; in three generations, the company is now a $20-billion-plus enterprise.

We greatly appreciate Anthony Sattler’s willingness to participate in the “Thought Leader” panel and to C&S for allowing him to play this part.

Make sure you don’t miss the Opening Keynote Breakfast featuring the Perishable Pundit’s “Thought Leader” Panel. The event takes place bright and early on December 3 at 7:30 am at the Javits Center River Pavilion.

You can register for the event right here.

Source: Jim Prevor's Perishable Pundit