Bridges Organic Produce And Rico Farms Empower Workers

Rico Farms is owned and managed by Francisco Tapia Senior and Junior and is located just inland from the Sea of Cortez near Hermosillo, Mexico. They cultivate certified organic zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, melons, green beans, eggplant, jalapeños and winter squash which have been marketed and sold by Bridges Organic Produce since 2008.  

The Tapia family has always prioritized the treatment of their workers and this motivated them to become Fair Trade USA Certified. Since the program began over $129,000 in Fair Trade premiums have been returned to the worker committee. This committee surveys the workers for project ideas then the workers vote on the projects they want to see completed.  These funds continue to improve the daily lives of the workers while also empowering workers as they are able to prioritize and oversee projects that hold importance to them.

Some of the funds have been used to improve recreation facilities such as soccer fields and rest areas, as well as adding air conditioning to all the dorms at the farm. Adding air condition to the sleeping areas is an enormous improvement given their hot climate.

In addition to this, the Tapia family is paying for improvements to the medical clinic on site. Currently there is a full time nurse 24 hours a day and a farm doctor that visits the farm two times per week, plus health insurance for emergencies. The Tapia family will be paying for a new fully functional medical clinic and consultation space which should be completed in about six months.

“Now that the workers see the Fair Trade projects becoming a reality, it makes it attractive for workers to return each year, which is a really good thing. Having the experienced workers returning each season really shows in the quality and consistency of the produce we are shipping” – Francisco Jr.

In addition to their Fair Trade program Rico Farms is working to create strong leadership throughout the farm. Francisco has invested in a yearlong program focusing on leadership. The different area managers meet weekly for continuing education and discussion on topics like leadership, teamwork, business planning, self-esteem and well-being.  After each meeting the leader meets with their own team so that all of the workers are learning these important values as well. “We want to show all the workers that everyone is a leader no matter if you have a top position or not, they need to know that you don’t need a top position to be a leader” said Francisco. Since the start of the program not only are individual teams working more cohesively but the different teams also have improved communication and cooperation with one another. “This increased responsibility and accountability is a key component of maintaining the efficiency of the harvesting and packing crews and also maintaining the integrity of the food safety HAACP plans.” – Ben Johnson (President, Bridges Produce)   

Through both their Fair Trade and leadership programs Rico Farms is investing in their workers and creating a comfortable work environment that prioritizes individual wellbeing.

For More Information:

Bridges Produce:

Rico Farms:

Photo: Eva Breton, 47, from Tehuitzingo, Puebla, holds recently harvested organic Fair Trade Certified zucchini at the Rico Farms packing plant. Breton, a mother of four who has been working at Rico Farms for two seasons, gives her opinion on how the Fair Trade funds should be used: "Since we are far from any doctor, I think the health center is very important for every worker.” – James Rodriguez for Fair Trade USA.

Source: Rico Farms / Bridges Produce