Chiquita CEO Celebrates New U.S. Citizens In Yuma, AZ

YUMA, Ariz., Feb. 25, 2011 — Chiquita CEO Fernando Aguirre today joined in celebrating America's 97 newest U.S. Citizens as they were sworn in at Yuma City Hall during a naturalization ceremony hosted by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the City of Yuma.

Aguirre joined Leo Urzua, a harvest coordinator for Fresh Express, who last year unknowingly took on the company's CEO as a trainee in CBS's popular reality series "Undercover Boss." Aguirre, who became a U.S. Citizen himself in 2009, gave congratulatory remarks at the event. Urzua is a native of Mexico who legally migrated to the United States to pursue a better life.

"The experience of being an 'undercover boss' last year, helped remind me of my own American journey, and it provided me with the unique opportunity to meet Leo Urzua, a harvest coordinator at Fresh Express who works in the lettuce fields of Yuma, Arizona and Salinas, California," said Aguirre. "Spending time with Leo reminded me of how much I value my U.S. Citizenship, and it prompted me to help him reach that very same goal."

During the "Undercover Boss" episode, which aired on Oct. 31, 2010, Aguirre was inspired by Leo's hard work to achieve the American Dream, and gave his personal commitment to help him reach that very same goal.

"Becoming a U.S. Citizen today is a tremendous honor," said Urzua. "Joining my wife Ramona and our beautiful daughter Paula as U.S. citizens is a dream come true, and I look forward to finding ways to give back to our nation each day."

U.S. Magistrate Judge James F. Metcalf presided over the ceremony and USCIS Phoenix District Director John Kramar presented the candidates, whose countries of origin include Canada, People's Republic of China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, India, Mexico, and Venezuela.

"We are pleased to again hold ceremonies in Yuma, Arizona's epicenter of agriculture," said Kramar. "Most of our new citizens either themselves work in or have family and friends who work in the $3.1 billion agriculture industry that drives greater Yuma's economy."

USCIS holds special ceremonies to bring our immigration process alive for the community. In Fiscal Year 2010, USCIS welcomed almost 620,000 immigrants as new U.S. citizens. USCIS is the agency within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) responsible for immigration benefits.

Source: Chiquita Brands International