CPMA Awards Industry Leaders At 90th Annual Convention & Trade Show

As part of their 90th Annual Convention and Trade Show, the Canadian Pro-duce Marketing Association (CPMA) recognized industry leaders with awards on and off the show floor.

Convention Awards

As part of the Convention program, awards were given to industry leaders for their ongoing commitment to the produce industry in Canada – and the overall health of Canadians.

Fresh Health Award – Presented to Walmart Canada

This prestigious award is presented to a company that has gone above and beyond in promot-ing the Half Your Plate program and/or the Freggie™ Children’s Program, aligning with the CPMA’s goal to increase the consumption of fresh produce in Canada for better health.

"Since October 2014 Walmart Canada has included the Half Your Plate logo, message and in-formation in their flyer, which reaches over 10 million consumers across Canada. Through an active social media campaign, an integrated strategy across their marketing channels and an outreach to their suppliers, they have helped to share the message of ‘Make a Healthy Choice, fill Half Your Plate with Fruits and Veggies at every meal,’” stated Ron Lemaire, Pres-ident, CPMA.

The Mary Fitzgerald Award – Presented to Ben Alviano of Mann Packing

The Mary FitzGerald Award is given to someone who has the same passion and dedication for the produce industry as Mary demonstrated throughout her career. This year the award was presented to Ben Alviano, Canadian National Account Manager for Mann Packing.

CPMA Lifetime Achievement Award – Presented to Christian Bourbonnière

This award honours an individual who has been recognized by their peers for their significant contribution in the produce industry throughout their career and for their continuous support of CPMA activities and industry initiatives. CPMA’s 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award was pre-sented to Christian Bourbonnière Senior Vice President, Quebec Division Head, Metro Inc., by CPMA Board Chair Bernadette Hamel.

“Christian’s career can be framed in one word: dedication. In 2003, he was presented with The Packer Produce Person of the Year Award, and in 2005, was recognized by the Quebec in-dustry as QPMA’s Pillar of the industry. He also received in 2013 the Méritas Rolland Harnois from the Quebec Horticulture Council. We were honored to present him with the CPMA Life-time Achievement award for his contributions to our industry,” stated Bernadette Hamel, CPMA Past Chair.


Trade Show Awards

As part of the Trade Show program, awards were given to recognize outstanding trade show exhibitors and product innovations.

Most Creative Booth Award – Presented to JB Laverdure

In order to recognize Exhibitors for their efforts in creating outstanding displays and providing high-quality experience to Trade Show visitors. This year the award was presented to JB Laverdure, who demonstrated the most creative display of fresh produce.

Best New Product Award – Presented to Chiquita Fresh Express for their Fresh

Express® Healthy Plus Kits

This year’s New Product Showcase Award was presented to Chiquita Fresh Express for their Fresh Express® Healthy Plus Kits.

Best New Product Award Criteria

Originality & Product Appearance

Overall Convenience & Benefits for Consumers


About the Canadian Produce Marketing Association

Based in Ottawa, Ontario, the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) is a not-for-profit organization representing companies that are active in the marketing of fresh fruits and vegetables in Canada from the farm gate to the dinner plate. CPMA members include major grower/shippers/packers/marketer, importer/exporters, transportation, brokers, distributor/ wholesalers, retailers, fresh cuts and foodservice distributors/operators, processor integrating all segments of the fresh produce industry. CPMA is proud to represent over 800 international and Canadian members who are responsible for 90% of the fresh fruit and vegetable sales in Canada. CPMA is funded by the industry through voluntary membership and various services, activities and sponsorship programs. For more information about CPMA, please visit www.cp-ma.ca.

Source: Canadian Produce Marketing Association