Western Growers Announces Support Of Western Water Reliability Bill

IRVINE, Calif. — Statement by Western Growers President and CEO Tom Nassif in support of the Western Water and American Food Security Act of 2015 introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on June 25th:

“The House water supply legislation offered today appropriately focuses on using the infrastructure we have now in a more balanced way to protect California’s economy and endangered species, and places needed emphasis on creating new water infrastructure to prepare our state for a changing climate. The legislation offers similar common sense measures for drought-stricken states throughout the West. We applaud House Members who have drafted the bill and we encourage other members of the House to engage on this legislation and push forward a Western drought relief bill as swiftly as possible.

Obviously, legislation needs to advance in the Senate as well and we strongly encourage Senators from drought-impacted Western states to likewise take up and move drought legislation.

For too many years, predating the current drought, we have pleaded for Congress to enact bipartisan solutions that will restore reasonable surface water supplies to farms and communities in Central and Southern California, and to bring needed storage projects throughout the West closer to reality. Our members cannot withstand more partisan fighting that results in nothing being done. We hope today marks a truly new beginning.”

About Western Growers:

Founded in 1926, Western Growers represents local and regional family farmers growing fresh produce in Arizona, California and Colorado. Our members and their workers provide half the nation’s fresh fruits, vegetables and tree nuts, including nearly half of America’s fresh organic produce. For generations we have provided variety and healthy choices to consumers.

Source: Western Growers