Bridging The Gap Between Consumers' Healthy Aspirations & Actual Behavior

The rising popularity of juice cleanses, superfoods, and “clean” ingredients indicates consumers across the U.S. aspire to have a healthier diet. But does the desire for an improved lifestyle actually lead to making healthier food choices? And what can manufacturers and retailers do to connect with these health-focused consumers?

According to a report published by Nielsen and the Natural Marketing Institute, despite the fact that health and wellness is trending, there remains a disconnect between what consumers say they want and what they actually do. While 70 percent say they’re “actively trying to be healthier,” 91 percent admit to snacking all day and half concede it’s a challenge to eat healthy.

The study revealed that rising food prices and taste are the most significant barriers to healthy eating, with more than half of respondents citing these as top concerns. Busy lifestyles get in the way, too.

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