Frequent Grocery Fliers To Canada Safeway Get 'Elite' Status

If it can work for airlines, it can work for grocery stores.

That's the rationale behind the latest customer-retention initiative from Canada Safeway, which quietly launched its SafewayClub Elite Customer program last month.

Shoppers who exceed $125 in weekly spending over the previous six months qualify for it, which comes with a number of perks, including an additional nickel-per-litre discount off gasoline, 10 per cent off roses and deli sandwiches, cash back up to $300, refunds without receipts and the store manager's cellphone number. Customers who may be on the cusp of the $125 threshold can be added to the club when their profiles are updated every three months.

"The program recognizes our very best customers similar to those that may use a hotel, airline or car rental company with great frequency," said John Graham, Safeway's director of public affairs, noting as far as Safeway can tell, its frequent-shopper program is the first of its kind for grocery stores in North America.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Winnipeg Free Press