Israeli Supermarket Chains Pledge To Distribute Multiuse Baskets After Bag Ban

Aiming to rid supermarkets of free plastic bags, the CEOs of several Israeli grocery chains pledged on Wednesday to purchase Environmental Protection Ministry-sponsored reusable bags upon the passage of a new bill.

The executives, who signed a “Pact for the Utilization of Multiuse Baskets,” gathered at the Environmental Protection Ministry offices in Tel Aviv from a variety of supermarkets – Shufersal, Mega, Rami Levi Hashikma Marketing, Hatzi Hinam, Victory, Yenot Bitan, Super Sapir, Keshet Teamim, Machsanei Hashuk, King Store and Merav Mazon Kol.

Contingent upon the passage of a bill banning the distribution of free plastic bags, the supermarket owners have agreed to distribute the reusable bags to members of the public for free.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Jerusalem Post