Springer Mountain Farms Chicken Awards Top Chefs In Southeast

MT. AIRY, Ga. – Ga.-based poultry producer Springer Mountain Farms continues its mission to support local communities by honoring culinary talent. The company, known for flavorful, humanely raised chicken without antibiotics, presents the Celebrate the Chef Award each quarter to three reputable chefs at high profile restaurants in the Southeast. This quarter’s winners are Executive Chef EJ Hodgkinson of Atlanta’s King + Duke, Executive Chef Brandon Frohne of Nashville’s Mason’s, and Executive Chef Rocco Whalen of Charlotte’s Fahrenheit.

These esteemed chefs are selected based on their menu’s level of creativity, flavor and use of locally-sourced ingredients, including Springer Mountain Farms chicken. In addition, the chefs must be involved in their community, have a strong culinary background and established a guest service training program for a remarkable dining experience.

“We realize the importance of not only honoring the hard work and talent of these chefs, but helping our local communities thrive in an evolving culinary market,” said Dale Faunce of Springer Mountain Farms. “Our program continues to flourish, and we are thankful for the support we get in return from these masterminded chefs.”

To learn more about each of these chefs, click the following links: Chef EJ Hodgkinson, Chef Brandon Frohne, Chef Rocco Whalen.

Springer Mountain Farms is featured on many award-winning menus across the southeast and continues to become the ‘chef’s chicken preference.’ Previous award recipients in Atlanta, Nashville and Charlotte include Chef Drew Van Leuvan of Seven Lamps, Chef Chip Ulbrich of South City Kitchen, Chef Linda Harrell of Cibo E Beve, Chef Ron Eyester of Rosebud, Chef Chris Coleman of The Asbury, Chef Jon Fortes of Mimosa Grill, Chef Tony Patton of Whiskey Kitchen, Chef Edgar Pendley of Urban Grub and Chef Trey Cioccia of The Farm House. The program will continue to expand throughout the Southeast.

Celebrate the Chef Award winners receive promotional assistance and a set of television appearances to showcase their restaurant, menu selections and talent. If you are interested in learning more about the award program and how to get involved, please contact Dale Faunce at dalefaunce@springermountainfarms.com or 706-778-5100.

Source: Springer Mountain Farms