IPNLF Launches It’s Sourcing Transparency Platform to Drive Greater Transparency In Tuna Supply Chains

IPNLF is incredibly proud to announce the public launch of its Sourcing Transparency Platform (STP)!

The STP is a free online platform, exclusive to IPNLF member companies, that has been designed to drive real change in the seafood industry by promoting transparency throughout tuna supply chains. The overall aim of this interactive portal is to collaboratively improve the transparency of one-by-one tuna supply chains through the public disclosure of  the sourcing information of these member companies. It not only provides a space for retailers, tuna brands and other supply chain companies to showcase their sustainability initiatives, but also allows them to demonstrate how their sourcing commitments and policies help protect ocean ecosystems while safeguarding the livelihoods of coastal communities, contribute to food security and strengthen local economies. 

Purchasing tuna products that are responsibly and sustainably caught has powerful social and economic benefits, as well as protecting the health of marine ecosystems. This is why increased transparency throughout supply chains is crucial to empower both consumers and industry to make more responsible choices that benefit both the ocean and coastal communities. The STP is a unique tool in this sense as it makes the direct connection between products and the fisheries where the tuna has been sourced from, guiding more responsible tuna purchasing practices as a result.”

— Zacari Edwards, Social Responsibility Director IPNLF

To read the rest of the story, please go to: International Pole and Line Foundation