Monterey Bay Aquarium Releases Updated Seafood Watch

The Monterey Bay Aquarium has updated its Seafood Watch guide to sustainable buying of seafood from around the world.

New “Good Alternatives” under the Aquarium’s science-based program include U.S.-caught monkfish, American plaice, some flounder; and tilapia farmed in Taiwan and China.

The 2013 spring update of Seafood Watch gives consumers, chefs and businesses new ocean-friendly options, with several species joining the ”Good Alternatives” list, including previously overfished monkfish, some Atlantic flatfishes and farmed tilapia produced in Taiwan and China.

In recent years, improved management has seen some East Coast stocks recovering from overfishing. This has resulted in upgrades for several Atlantic Coast species: monkfish, American Plaice and Winter Flounder, all caught by trawl gear; and windowpane flounder from southern stocks.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: The Californian