California Strawberry Commission Congratulates Former Board Chair for Special Honor

Former California Strawberry Commission Chairman and longtime Board member, Neil Nagata was honored as the San Diego County Farm Bureau Farmer of the Year.

Extended California Peak Strawberry Season is Sweet News for Consumers

To meet increasing consumer demand for the sweet, red berry everybody loves, California strawberry production is expected to hit its second highest season on record, extending peak season well into fall. As the country’s leading producer of strawberries growing 90% of all strawberries produced in the U.S., consumers can expect to see abundant availability in local grocery stores across the country.

Cal Poly Strawberry Center Highlights Research at Strawberry Field Day

The Cal Poly Strawberry Center highlighted more than a dozen farm research projects at its highest-attended Strawberry Field Day. Members of the California Strawberry Commission and more than 400 strawberry growers, researchers, and industry representatives were in attendance and learned about the program’s efforts to improve California’s multi-billion dollar strawberry industry.

California Strawberries Kicks Off its First-Ever Jingle Contest

California Strawberries kicks off peak season with the launch of its national ‘Love, Strawberries’ Jingle Contest. Starting April 1, 2022 through April 22, 2022, aspiring musicians and strawberry enthusiasts alike are encouraged to write, record and post their original 45-second jingle masterpieces highlighting the love people have for the famous heart-shaped berry via social media.

California Strawberries Brings Love to the Forefront with the Launch of the ‘Love, Strawberries’ Campaign

In time for National Strawberry Day, California Strawberries is set to amplify strawberries and their many health benefits via the new year-long, consumer-focused campaign ‘Love, Strawberries.’ Inspired by the love and the care the heart-healthy berry provides, ‘Love, Strawberries’ is an ode to California strawberries and the hardworking farmers and farm workers behind the berry.