10 Ways To Get More Yoghurt In Your Day

Englewood, CO – The origin of probiotic yoghurt dates back centuries, maybe millennia, but it has always provided vital nutrients and life-supporting (probiotic) cultures. These cultures have been credited with granting longevity and health. Because these cultures constantly die off, however, it’s important to replenish them daily. Daily servings of probiotic yoghurt can help. Yoghurt is also loaded with many vital nutrients and makes a great substitute for ingredients that are higher in fat and calories. Now all natural Mountain High Yoghurt, with at least 100 billion probiotic cultures in every 8-ounce serving, offers you 10 ways to get more yoghurt in your day.

1. Power Up Your Breakfast
Mix plain or flavored yoghurt with granola and fruit for crunchy satisfaction and fiber. Blend yoghurt with fresh or frozen fruit pieces for an on-the-go breakfast that does a body good. Spares you the sodium and fat from sausage and bacon, and helps keep you feeling full.

2. Top Your Oatmeal
Oatmeal topped with a generous dollop of yoghurt offers stick-to-your-ribs goodness with heart-healthy fiber, protein, and calcium to help regulate blood pressure and strengthen bones.

3. Replenish with Post-Workout Smoothies
Make your exercise recovery as strong as your workout. Yoghurt smoothies offer potassium and carbohydrates to help your body replenish these nutrients after exercise, plus protein to help rebuild muscle. Can your sports drink do that?

4. Enjoy Healthier Dips and Guacamole
Best excuse to snack right: A dip made with plain yoghurt instead of sour cream pulls double duty by providing healthy probiotic cultures while cutting fat and calories. Make a yoghurt-based guacamole and you’ll add Vitamin E, fiber, folate, and more with another super food, the mighty avocado.

5. Garnish Your Tacos, Indian Food, Potatoes
Go ahead and pile it on. A cup of Lowfat Plain Mountain High Yoghurt adds 11 grams of protein and provides 40% of your Daily Value for calcium but only 2.5 grams of fat and 140 calories. That’s a lot less fat and calories than sour cream, but with the same rich taste.

6. Freshen Up Your Salad Dressings
Home-made yoghurt-based salad dressings have many advantages over bottled brands. They are much lower in sodium, fresher, and lower in fat and calories. Mountain High Yoghurt can be used in place of mayonnaise in potato, pasta, or fruit salads, too.

7. Go Greek
Thicker Greek-style yoghurt can satisfy any hunger. You can make your own Greek Yoghurt by straining creamy Mountain High through a colander lined with coffee filters. Cover it with plastic wrap, refrigerate, and let the whey drain off for 24 hours. You’ll double the protein and have an even thicker yoghurt to eat plain, topped with nuts and honey, or as a thicker sour cream substitute.

8. Put It in Your Desserts
Yoghurt makes a great substitute for cream cheese in Easy No-Bake Cheesecake and for marscapone in Tiramisu. The Mountain High website features many dessert recipes with their probiotic yoghurt as a delicious, creamy base.

9. Freeze and Eat It
Scoop yoghurt in a bowl, top with nuts, chocolate or other toppings, and freeze it for 30 minutes. You can indulge while enjoying those probiotic cultures that are great for your gums and freshen your breath.

10. Just Spoon It
Easy, fast, convenient: Scoop yoghurt in a bowl and toss in some nuts, fruit, jam, syrup, peanut butter and/or chocolate to customize your flavor!

About Mountain High: Mountain High Yoghurt is the best-selling quart-size yoghurt in the Western United States. This premium-quality yoghurt contains only natural ingredients, including rbST-free milk. Every one-cup serving of Mountain High contains at least 100 billion of the live, active, and probiotic cultures L. acidophilus, B. bifidus, and L. casei. More information can be found at http://www.MountainHighYoghurt.com.

Source: Mountain High Yoghurt