Tillamook County Creamery Association Announces Annual CSR Progress

TILLAMOOK, Ore. — Tillamook County Creamery Association (TCCA), a Certified B Corporation® (B Corp), issued its 2023 Stewardship Report. The new report features numerous stories of TCCA’s stewardship efforts, including a strategic partnership to rebuild ecosystems; employee-led initiatives to improve environmental sustainability; community enrichment initiatives and much more.

“TCCA employees embrace our stewardship efforts and our commitment to doing right – across teams, job functions and locations,” said Paul Snyder, Executive Vice President, Stewardship, TCCA. “Because stewardship is core to who we are as a co-op – and has been for more than 115 years – we see tremendous ownership and innovation coming from scrappy, employee-driven efforts. Our progressive approach encourages action wherever there is a need.”

For example, the TCCA Goal Zero team is an employee-led group that works to reduce water, energy and waste impacts at TCCA manufacturing facilities. The team identified more than 110 projects to advance TCCA stewardship-related efforts further. Both large and small in scale, more than 50 of the projects have already been completed, resulting in highly tangible annual outcomes such as reducing water by more than 41.3 million gallons and saving 7 million kWh of electricity.   

The annual Stewardship Report shares additional stories, projects and updates toward TCCA’s stewardship commitment areas: thriving farms, healthful cows, inspired consumers, enduring ecosystems, fulfilled employees, and enriched communities. Key milestones from the 2023 report include:

  • 99% of all paper-based packaging is from sustainable-certified materials, with a goal to reach 100% by 2025.
  • $2,500 bonuses awarded to farmer-owners who wrote and implemented an animal care improvement plan, such as increasing milk volume, improved walking paths, and automatic foot baths to help enhance cow comfort.
  • 60,000 lbs. of agricultural plastic collected by farmer-owners and TCCA’s Farm Services team ready to be shipped to a recycler, reducing on-farm landfill waste.
  • 130 grants awarded to worthy causes focused on agriculture advocacy, food security and healthy children, totaling 6% of TCCA’s net income donated.
  • 2,891 hours volunteered by TCCA employees.

Further highlights from the report include a strategic partnership with New Seasons Market—a Pacific Northwest-based grocer and fellow B Corp—to support on-the-ground environmental projects within the TCCA supply chain. Earlier this year, volunteers from TCCA and New Seasons Market came together to plant native, woody vegetation in Tillamook. Additionally, during the next five years, TCCA will partner with New Seasons Market to undertake a massive manure management program with local dairy farms.

“Each year, we are humbled by the progress made in advancing our stewardship efforts,” said Snyder. “We are also inspired to do even more along our journey and continue progressing toward our stewardship goals.”

Read the full 2023 Stewardship Report online here.

About Tillamook County Creamery Association 
Founded in 1909 as a farmer-owned cooperative, Tillamook County Creamery Association (TCCA) achieved the distinction as a Certified B Corporation® (B Corp™) and prides itself on its commitment to bringing to market the most consistent, best tasting, highest quality dairy products possible. Guided by the belief that everyone deserves real food that makes them feel good every day, Tillamook’s® internationally recognized, award-winning cheese, as well as exceptional ice cream, butter, cream cheese spreads, yogurt, sour cream, and frozen meals, are made with unwavering values that never sacrifice or compromise quality for profit. TCCA is owned by a group of farming families, primarily based in Tillamook County, Oregon. TCCA operates production facilities in Tillamook and Boardman, Oregon and employs more than 1,100 people throughout the state. The Tillamook Creamery is the largest tourist attraction on the coast of Oregon and one of the most popular in the state, attracting more than one million visitors each year. For more information on TCCA and Tillamook, visit Tillamook.com.