Avalanche Cheese Co.'s Lamborn Bloomers Is Silky & Spreadable

Going from burrito entrepreneur to cheesemaker is not an obvious career path, but Wendy Mitchell has managed the transition swiftly.

Five years ago, the Texas native sold her chain of Houston burrito shops and moved to Scotland for a year. She spent the time interning on dairy farms and in creameries, and apprenticed with two of England's best: Mary Quicke of Quicke's Cheddar and Robin Congdon of Ticklemore.

When Mitchell and her husband returned to the States, they settled in Aspen and she began scouting for goat's milk. Alas, most of Colorado's dairy goats reside in a lower-rent zone. To get a milk supply for her cheese making, Mitchell had to invest in land 90 miles from Aspen and purchase her own dairy goats.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: San Francisco Chronicle