Colorful SunPatiens Hybrid: Something New Under The Sun

Once upon a time, coleus and impatiens were shade garden standbys, but not anymore.

For several years, large-leafed sun coleus has been available and just this year, SunPatiens, which grows in full sun in humid climates, has become part of many retail nurseries' stock of annual plants. SunPatiens is a hybrid impatiens developed in Japan more than five years ago but only now has it become widely available in Southern California.

SunPatiens is a cross between a wild impatiens species and New Guinea impatiens. SunPatiens foliage is very similar to that of the New Guinea type as are its flowers, with the long spurs characteristic of New Guineas. Although promoted as full-sun plants that can also handle shade, I would think they would probably grow best in half-day sun since Valley heat can be brutal even for sun lovers.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: San Bernardino County Sun