Deliflor Celebrates One Billionth Cutting With 'Gold' Chrysanthemum Anastasia

Very shortly, the billionth flower of chrysanthemum Anastasia will be harvested and sold to its end users. Since Anastasia was introduced in 2001, one billion cuttings of the white version of this disbudded chrysanthemum have been grown into flowers via the Netherlands. Deliflor Chrysanten, the breeder responsible for this special chrysanthemum, is proud of this milestone.

To celebrate this special moment, Deliflor Chrysanten will present the buyer of this billionth flower with real gold. And what is even more interesting: everyone will be able to follow the golden chrysanthemum ‘live’ from cutting to flower, until the moment it reaches the flower auction.

Golden Anastasia can be followed ‘live’

Starting this week, everyone can check the Deliflor website ( and in order to find out at what phase the golden chrysanthemum is in, through live weekly installments. Up until its expected supply to the flower auction in January, a new film will be put online every week. In 8 separate film shorts, we will show how this special chrysanthemum is constantly pampered by its own personal butler, throughout the cultivation process.

In the last of these 8 films, the one billionth Anastasia will enter the trade phase. We expect this to be in the third week of January 2014. From that moment on, anyone in the chain can come across the billionth golden Anastasia. The eventual buyer of the golden flower, which can be recognised by its golden sleeve, receives a real gold bar from Deliflor; in other words, is handed real gold. A unique promotion for this special milestone.

Worldwide market for Anastasia

Chrysanthemum Anastasia has conquered the world ever since its introduction in 2001. The flower has greatly boosted the year round cultivation of disbudded chrysanthemums in the Netherlands and ever since that time, the market for disbudded chrysanthemums has shown continued growth. Many of the flowers are sold in Eastern Europe but, in general, Anastasia is grown and sold all over the world. This is also evident from the photo contest via which was set up this spring in anticipation of the anniversary. This competition enables participants to win a trip to the country where Anastasia was ‘born’. The winner of this photo contest will be announced on the 17th of January 2014, during Deliflor’s open days. To date, over one hundred photos have already been submitted from all parts of the world.

About Deliflor

Deliflor is one of the largest chrysanthemum breeders in the world. In the Netherlands, flower auctions offer a selection of around 55 different Deliflor chrysanthemum

Source:  Deliflor Chrysanten