Inspiring consumers to discover, grow, and celebrate the newest plant introductions.
DOWNERS GROVE, IL – For almost 40 years, National Garden Bureau (NGB) has been showcasing and promoting their member’s new plant varieties in the inspirational program appropriately named “New Plants.”
Perfect timing: December is when many growers and retailers are finalizing or planning their product line-up and garden selections for the new year.
Nowhere else is there such a complete selection of the newest varieties available (including houseplants) for the coming year than at https://ngb.org/new-plants/
Growers and Garden retailers: Search through these new plants to find what your customers are clamoring for! You might have seen some of them at the 2023 California Spring Trials or summer trade shows, but certainly not all!
Garden Communicators: This is your one-stop-shop for the newest of the new! Some of you got a sneak peak of these new varieties at the 2023 GardenComm Virtual but not all of these 130 were in that showcase.
Plants can be searched by year, by ornamentals, by edibles, or by a number of other options.
Photos, descriptions and other resources are available on National Garden Bureau’s website: www.ngb.org.
Promotion Works
NGB has long been promoting its member’s new plants. Over time, this program has generated tremendous consumer and industry publicity. The entire industry—breeders, brokers, seed companies, growers, nurseries and garden centers—are urged to highlight these flowers and plants when planning for 2024.
For more information about this program and/or membership in National Garden Bureau, please email Diane Blazek
National Garden Bureau is a nonprofit organization founded in 1920 with a mission to disseminate basic instructions for home gardeners. NGB publishes and sponsors the “Year Of” program annually featuring flowers and vegetables, including new introductions, which are especially suited to home gardens.