Royal FloraHolland Debuts New Design Flower Box Fc520

After years of loyal service, the chrysanthemum and lily box is ready for a new design. After an intensive process with various parties in the chain, the first new reusable flower boxes Fc520 (successor Fc519) will arrive at the beginning of February. The printing has been completely renewed and of course the new packaging code Fc520 is immediately visible.

Martien Borst (chairman FPC Chrysanthemum) is very happy with the end result, because with this box, the products chrysanthemum and lily are even easier to recognize in the floriculture chain. The appearance of the new box is in line with the collective promotion campaign of the products Chrysanthemum and Lily. With the campaign ‘Just Chrysanthemum for the win‘ the growers emphasize that the chrysanthemum is a versatile power flower with which you can score with customers. With the ‘Love for Lilies‘ campaign, the lily growers show that you cannot ignore this grand and impressive flower.

Proud of end result
Martien Borst (chairman FPC Chrysanthemum, board member of the Chryson Foundation and owner of chrysanthemum grower Bovebo b.v.) is proud of the end result: “This is it, the new multi-use chrysanthemum and lily box! A powerful, colorful box that, like the flowers inside, makes a statement. In addition, the symbols on the box emphasize the versatility, colorfulness and strength of the flowers and indicate, that there are many creative possibilities with these flowers. In short, flowers that make our customers happy. The development came about in good cooperation with Royal FloraHolland, Stichting Chryson, FPC Chrysanthemum and Concept Factory. The result is truly a fine example of good work between various links in the floriculture chain. I am very happy with the new design, with which you can no longer overlook the products chrysanthemum and lily in the floriculture chain.”

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Royal FloraHolland