Tropical Storm Isaac's Floods Are Big Setback For Plant Nurseries

LOXAHATCHEE —Tropical Storm Isaac’s floods led to the disappearance of several thousand plants at Dave Self’s Wyld West Nursery.

“I probably had 5,000 of my plants just up and float down the river,” Self said Thursday.

Water has not yet receded from the nursery’s two locations on either side of 161st Terrace North in Loxahatchee. The power had been out since Monday, and since the deluge ended, Self said he’s had to hand water the remaining plants using a four-gallon backpack sprayer.

Like the owners of the rest Palm Beach County’s 450 or so plant nurseries, Self needs more time to assess the damage the storm left behind, but it appears to be extensive and substantial.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Palm Beach Post