Baja Son Growers Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary and Doubles Organic Green Onion Production

SALINAS, CA – Baja Son Growers is thrilled to announce that they have doubled their production for organic green onions – just in time to celebrate their 10-year anniversary!

“The Baja Son family is thankful for our customers and their patronage and trust over the past 10 years. As a vertically integrated company we are able to control all aspects of the growing process from seed to store 52 weeks per year,” says Robert Leonard, Director of Sales, Baja Son Growers.

The Salinas-based grower-shipper is experiencing good supply and quality. While supplies are picking up they’re encouraging customers to take advantage of various ad opportunities beginning now through the holiday season. 

If you are interested in purchasing Baja Son Growers organic green onions, please contact Robert Leonard at 831-272-0688.

For more information, please visit

About Baja Son Growers

Baja Son Growers is a vertically integrated grower-shipper for the acreage they sell. With full control over the supply chain, they can consistently provide superior quality product. Their augmented food safety and certification adherence adds confidence to every purchase. At Baja Son, the Growers have generational experience. It is that experience that allows them to provide such an exceptional and consistent product.