PAIA Releases 2014/2015 Category Management Plan Outline For Fresh Peruvian Asparagus

The Peruvian Asparagus Importer’s Association (PAIA) has released their 2014/2015 Category Management Plan Outline for Fresh Peruvian Asparagus.

The Category Management Plan reports that fresh asparagus continues to be a high volume U. S. import, with over 403 million pounds imported into the U.S. and consumed throughout the United States, according to the Department of Commerce.  Peru remains to be a principal supplier to the U. S. market representing over 47% of the import supply and over 45% of the total United States Import Dollar Value for asparagus.

The survey results conclude that U.S. shoppers are adding asparagus to their carts more than in the past making asparagus the No. 3 “most popular” item that consumers say they are now buying.

The 2014/2015 Category Management Plan Outline for Fresh Peruvian Asparagus specifically includes statistics relating to market summaries, trends, nutritional facts and consumer positioning.  The Plan provides fresh-market asparagus consumption key demographics and suggestions regarding displays, as well as promotional/advertising ideas that offer retailers with creative fresh strategies to increase sales of Peruvian asparagus.

“The Category Management Plan Outline for Fresh Peruvian Asparagus is a resource / tool that industry and retailers will use to sell more asparagus.  The Plan contains statistics, trends and strategies that will equip retailers and the industry at large with the most updated information in the category.  The Plan also contains the necessary summary information of the health benefits, value and convenience of fresh Peruvian asparagus that should make Peruvian asparagus a staple for every U.S. household,” states PAIA Coordinator, Priscilla Lleras.

The Plan is available from any member of the Peruvian Asparagus Importer’s Association or by contacting their coordinator Priscilla Lleras at

The association will focus even greater efforts in 2014 on spreading the positive word to industry trade press, supermarkets and consumers concerning the benefits of fresh asparagus through articles, advertisements, direct-communication, and trade show participation.  The association anticipates increasing consumption and demand for fresh asparagus in 2014.

Source: Peruvian Asparagus Importer’s Association (PAIA)