The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued a recommended decision on proposed amendments to the federal marketing order regulating the handling of raisins produced from grapes grown in California.
Based on the record evidence, USDA recommends amending the marketing order to incorporate the following proposed amendments recommended by the Raisin Administrative Committee (RAC), which locally administers the marketing order:
Proposal 1:
- Reduce membership from 47 to 21.
- Eliminate the designated cooperative bargaining association member seat.
- Lower quorum requirements from 25 to 14.
- Remove producer district representation and add an un-affiliated independent producer member seat.
Proposal 2:
- Remove the requirement for separate member and alternate nominations for independent or small cooperative producers.
Proposal 3:
- Remove factor number 4 “An estimated desirable carryout at the end of the crop year,” and the last part of factor number 5 “considering the estimated world raisin supply and demand situation.”
- Add language to clarify the quality of reconditioned raisins.
Proposal 4:
- Add authority to accept voluntary contributions.
- Add authority regarding ownership and rights to intellectual property.
In addition, the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) may make any such changes to the marketing order as may be necessary to conform to any amendment that may result from the hearing.
The RAC proposed the amendments after finding that an increase in committee vacancies and low attendance were mainly due to two causes: a large decrease in the size of the California raisin industry over the past 20 years and the removal of volume regulation from the marketing order.
The RAC believes the proposed amendments would reduce committee vacancies and improve attendance, provide a cost savings, increase administrative efficiencies, provide more equitable representation and balance committee membership with the overall size of the California raisin industry.
USDA based its recommended decision on information provided at the public hearing held Feb. 13-14, 2024, at the RAC office in Fresno, California. Based on the record evidence, USDA recommends amending the marketing order to incorporate the proposed amendments.
USDA welcomes public and industry stakeholders written exceptions to USDA’s recommendation during the 30-day comment period. Comments and exceptions are due by Oct. 15, 2024.
The recommended decision was published in Federal Register on Sept. 13, 2024. For copies, contact Christy Pankey or Matthew Pavone, Rulemaking Services Branch, Market Development Division, Specialty Crops Program, AMS, USDA, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Stop 0237, Washington, DC 20250-0237; (202) 720-8085 or Christy.Pankey@usda.gov or Matthew.Pavone@usda.gov.
More information about the marketing order is available on the 989 California Raisins page on the AMS website. Information about federal marketing orders is available on AMS’s Marketing Orders and Agreements page or by contacting the Market Development Division at (202) 720-8085.
Authorized by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, marketing orders are industry-driven programs that help producers and handlers achieve marketing success by leveraging their own funds to design and execute programs that they would not be able to do individually. AMS provides oversight to fruit, vegetable and specialty crops marketing orders to ensure fiscal accountability and program integrity.
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