USPB Delivers In-Depth Analysis Of FY11 Nutrition Advertising Success

As a final wrap-up to the FY11 media plan, USPB consumer advertising agency Sterling- Rice Group has prepared the Positioning Report attached following this story for industry reference. The purpose of the report is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the FY11 USPB media plan placements and includes taking a detailed look at the positioning within each issue and publication and the added-value programs. Please note, this report does not include the individual ad testing results (VISTA Reports) as those were provided as a separate analysis.

For more information on the USPB Consumer Nutrition Advertising Campaign or this report, please contact USPB Domestic Marketing Vice President Kathleen Triou at 303-873-2312 (direct) / 303-369-7783 (main) / 720-225-0931 (efax) or

FY11 Positioning Report.pdf

Source: US Potato Board