Foodservice Marketers: 6 Ways to Retool Programs and Support the Industry During COVID-19

Adaptability is essential in food marketing, even under ordinary circumstances. Not surprisingly, today’s profound uncertainty amid the COVID-19 crisis demands a degree of agility that most food marketers have never fully exercised.

With immediate and mounting impacts on the foodservice industry, – the least of which may be the cancellation of hallmark events like the National Restaurant Association Show – annual marketing programs are at risk of being upended. Now is the time for food marketing professionals to dig deep, think strategically and adapt like never before.

Food Marketing Shifts That Deliver Symbiosis

Following is a list of key pivots that can quickly be implemented, even as meetings and travel are suspended and events recede. Not only do these proposed shifts help sustain brand momentum, but they also purposefully reinvest in the foodservice industry, which is as vital as it is vulnerable right now.

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