Report Shows Buying Power Of Moms

The motherhood market is both graying and greening, according to a new report from Experian Marketing Services, and the changes are fairly sweeping.

"The universe of moms of children 18 and under who are 35 plus has grown from 40.9 million to 44.9 million in just four years," Jan Jindra, Experian product manager, tells Marketing Daily. "And of moms who are 35 and under — the group most likely to be influenced by advertising — we are seeing big shifts in their willingness to buy green products."

That's exciting, she says, because typically it has been older consumers who have been most likely to purchase green products. "While the true 'Brown' segment has stayed very consistent at about 20%, we've seen the number of younger moms classified as 'Potential Greens' decline from 48% to 25%, as they are moving into the 'Thinking Green' and ultimately, the 'Buying Green' categories.

She attributes that shift to more information available about the impact of green choices on children's health, whether it's reading about organic milk or the benefits of free-range chicken. The growth trend toward green purchases among younger moms, at this point, is outpacing the 35-and-older mothers by at least 5% a year.

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