Southeastern Grocers Announces 22 More Store Closures, With Eight in Florida

Southeastern Grocers announced another eight Florida grocery stores would close. Though no Jacksonville-area stores are closing, there are several in nearby cities, including two in Orlando and others in central Florida.

“We realize that the closure of an underperforming store in your community can be challenging,” said a statement from company spokesman Joe Caldwell. “ We do not take these decisions lightly, and only make this tough choice after careful consideration of its impact on our associates and our customers has been made.”

In addition to the eight stores – seven Winn-Dixie and one Harveys – closing in Florida, another 14 are closing in the Southeast. Southeastern Grocers, which owns Winn-Dixie, Harveys, Bi-Lo and Fresco y Mas labels, declared and resurfaced from bankruptcy last May. The bankruptcy included lowering debt by about $600 million and closing 94 stores.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Jacksonville Business Journal