Seafood Industry Contributes To Alaska’s Growing Economy

Alaska’s economy has been doing well while others have faltered, and is poised to continue to do so, the World Trade Center Alaska’s Statewide Economic Forecast Forum was told.

Among the industries that have done the best in the last year have been the state’s export industries, including seafood and mineral resources, and that’s likely to continue.

“Fish had a great year last year, it was a fantastic year for fish,” said Jonathan King, an economist with Wells Fargo Bank.

While halibut didn’t do so well, salmon and other groundfish brought wealth to the state, he said. And export money is particularly important; that means new dollars are coming into the economy, so people are not simply passing the same money around, he said.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Juneau Empire (Juneau, AK).