Retail Dairy Sales Strong, but Foodservice Slump Drives Dairy Surplus

Sales of milk and dairy products have shifted dramatically over the last few weeks due to the widespread impact of COVID-19.

American Dairy Association North East Helps Retailers Keep Milk Available During National Pandemic

Demand for milk and dairy products has shifted dramatically over the last few weeks due to the COVID-19 outbreak. American Dairy Association North East (ADA North East) is actively working with retailers in its six-state region to ensure a safe, abundant milk supply for consumers.

American Dairy Association North East Offers Tips for Talking to Consumers About Dairy Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic

During this unprecedented time in our nation, American Dairy Association North East encourages dairy farmers to share positive, science-based facts about the health benefits of milk and dairy products with consumers. The key message to remind consumers during the COVID-19 situation is that dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt are safe, nutritious and affordable foods for all families.

American Dairy Association North East: Food Banks are in Desperate Need of Assistance

Food banks, which are still open and vital amid the present health crisis, do not have paid staff and are in need of volunteers to ensure staples like milk, cereal and canned goods get to those in need.

New York State Dairy Royalty Selected to Raise Consumer Awareness, Confidence in Industry

Selected from among 22 county dairy princesses who have served since the spring of 2019, Natalie Vernon will devote an additional year to promoting milk and dairy products with American Dairy Association North East (ADA North East).