Ten Ways To Use Yogurt

The health benefits of yogurt are well documented, however you may not realize
how versatile this nifty little food item is, and how many different ways it can
be enjoyed.

Ten ways to use yogurt:

1) Diet aid

Low-fat yogurt in an individual serving size has approximately 155 calories. For
the weight-conscious individual, yogurt is a good choice for quelling hunger
between meals, as the dairy component of a balanced breakfast or lunch.

2) Dessert

When you have the urge for something tasty and sweet after a meal, an
individual- serving size container of fruit-flavored yogurt will satisfy that
craving. Another option, for a different taste, is to add crushed nuts, raisins,
or granola to your yogurt dessert. Frozen yogurt is a healthy alternative to ice
cream when you crave something cool.

3) Dip

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