RIDGEFIELD, N.J. — Toufayan Bakeries, the bread brand Americans rely on, introduced its first line of keto breads at the IDDBA show earlier this month. Keto Pita, Wraps, and Flat Breads will delight keto lifestyle consumers looking for delicious, soft breads ready to grab in their local grocer’s deli department. The Keto Pita and Keto Flat Bread both pack 7g of protein and 13g of fiber per serving with only 18g of carbohydrates and zero sugars. The Wraps are also sugar free, with 12g of fiber and 5g of protein. Toufayan is known for its wide range of fresh baked goods, including specialty offerings that are gluten free, low carb, low sodium, organic, sprouted grain and more.
Using top quality ingredients, Toufayan baked keto-friendly breads that are high in fiber and protein while being lower in carbs than traditional. Toufayan’s Keto Pita, Wraps and Flat Breads are hearth baked to a perfect golden brown and have the authentic flavor and texture you expect from Toufayan.
“We take great pride in baking our family’s favorite breads for families across the U.S.,” said Karen Toufayan, VP of marketing and sales for Toufayan. “Within the Toufayan ‘family’ and across the country, people following a keto diet have been missing their favorite bread products. We are thrilled to introduce Toufayan’s first line of keto-friendly breads and hope they love them as much as we do.”
Toufayan Keto Pita, Wraps and Flatbreads are shipping to the deli section of stores nationwide now and are also available on Amazon.
About Toufayan Bakeries
Since 1926, families have been relyin’ on the fresh taste of Toufayan. Toufayan is one of the oldest and largest privately held specialty bread bakeries in the US. Making the best bread has always been a passion for the Toufayan family. For almost 90 years, the Toufayans have been filling lunch boxes, toasters, and tummies with fresh lines of pitas, flatbreads, bagels, wraps, lavash, and breadsticks. Based in Ridgefield, N.J. with bakeries in Orlando and Plant City, Florida, the third generation of Toufayans oversees the entire process from ingredient sourcing and production to distribution. While trends come and go, high quality, fresh and authentic products are always in demand. The Toufayan family is committed to quality you can taste. Find Toufayan at www.toufayan.com and www.facebook.com/toufayan.